The Many Reasons We Love Being Newborn Photographers

Why Being a Newborn Photographer is So Rewarding

Being a newborn photographer in Minneapolis has been one of the greatest rewards in my life. Of all of the different genres of photography, individuals who choose to focus on newborn photography are very special! They are often lead by their heart to offer these types of sessions and use their experiences as moms as a foundation for the work they do. For, me, nothing in life is more fleeting than those first few weeks of a baby’s life. With each day that passes a baby seems to change and they develop more quickly than any other time in their lives. As a mom of three grown girls, I have witnessed first hand how fast our children grow up and how precious each moment is. These are reasons why newborn photography is an integral part of my work. Each session not only captures details of baby, but also the most important people in baby’s life. Preserving the love and connection that surround a newborn is such a precious gift not only for parents, but for the child as well. As the years pass by and they look through the beautiful photo book created from this incredible time in their lives, they will have a constant reminder of just how valuable and loved they are.

Newborn Photographers From Across the Country Share Their Love for Photographing Babies

Here are some reasons why other newborn photographers from across the country are passionate about photographing babies and their families:

“There are so many reasons I love being a New York City Newborn Photographer. New Yorkers are busy people, but newborns force us to slow down. Capturing photos of infants, and bearing witness to the love within a family that has welcomed a new little life, feels incredibly special. Knowing that these photos will be looked back on for generations is humbling and I see my job as a photographer as a privilege and an honor. I also genuinely love babies and getting those sweet snuggles. I’m able to teach parents tricks for swaddling and soothing and knowing I’m helping make their lives easier in the days and weeks ahead brings real purpose to my life. Being a newborn photographer is truly the best job.”

-Abby Cope

Brooklyn New York Newborn Photography

Joanna Jensen of Calgary, AB says “For me, my passion for capturing life's most precious moments is unparalleled, but there's something truly magical about newborn photography that makes my heart skip a beat. It's more than just a job, it's an art form that allows me to illustrate moments of new life.  Welcoming newborns into the world feels like witnessing the universe unfold its mysteries. Every tiny yawn, delicate finger movement, and innocent gaze holds a promise of a future filled with potential. I am reminded that each baby I photograph is destined for greatness, carrying a unique purpose in this vast world.”

-Joanna Jensen

Calgary Newborn Photographer

All the way in Fargo, ND, photographer Melissa Sampson said “When I think back to why I chose maternity and newborn photography, I wanted to be able to capture once in a lifetime moments for families. You are only pregnant with this child once and they are only that small for a small fraction in time and being able to be a part of that is irreplaceable. From mom’s belly and the connection between parents, to the small details in a newborn’s face and toes. Meeting couples who will soon become parents for the first time is such an honor.”

-Melissa Sampson

Fargo, ND Newborn Photographer

Finally, way out west in Walnut Creek California, Photographer Jenn Chen reports “My favorite this about working with newborns is connecting with the mamas! I feel like I can see them visibly relax when I'm able to help them settle their baby. I love that when they are in my studio I can offer them a hot cup of coffee and they actually get to drink it while it's hot because I'm holding their newborn. I love that I can give them the encouragement I needed as a new mom. For me, newborn photography is so much more than adorable pictures of babies, it's about providing connection and service during a time that can be so overwhelming.”

Walnut Creek, CA Newborn Photographer

All-in-all newborn photographers love what they do because they recognize how precious these sessions are not only for their clients, but for themselves as well. Such passion reflects just how wonderful and rewarding a job it really is!

Here are some other helpful resources to help you prepare for your next newborn photo session with Ann Marie.

So, When Should Newborn Photos be Taken?

Preparing Siblings for Newborn Photo Shoots


Creative Ideas for Maternity Photoshoots


Preparing Older Siblings for Baby's First Photo Shoot